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about me

Let me introduce myself:

Always evolving, always growing I am on a quest to be better today than I was yesterday. Each day is a new blank slate filled with possibilities, armed with the knowledge and experience of all my yesterdays.

I used to view my “never quite satisfied with me” attitude as a character flaw until I became a Clifton Strengths™ Coach and discovered that my Strengths, my natural talents and tendencies, lean towards continuous growth and untapped possibility.

Understanding who I am and how I am has allowed me to discover WHY I am.

I frolic in grace, so butterflies can soar.

I view life through the lens of grace: grace for self, grace for others and the grace of God. When I am focused in on and frolicking in this grace, I am able to lift others up and help them truly see Who they are, How they are, and Why they are. My greatest desire is for you to see your true beauty, your creativity and talents, and your unique contribution to the world professionally and personally.

As a Clifton Strengths™ coach, Brand Narrative coach, Ideal Lifestyle coach, and Strengths in Your Marriage coach, I uncover the layers of each person to identify, embrace, and direct their natural talents and gifts into strengths. Or as I like to call them: Super Powers. I believe that when people truly know what makes them unique and powerful, they are better equipped to go boldly into their dreams and live the life they’ve imagined (nod to Henry David Thoreau).

With over 30 years of successful business ownership, navigating constantly moving markets and uncontrollable impacts, I have developed the tools to help you discover, lean into and utilize your extraordinary talents and strengths. My husband and I created and built a completely new and one-of-a-kind magazine for our region. 

We printed over 1.5 million direct-mailed copies to business owners and decision makers. During that time I also built my own business that was successful for over 20 years. Recessions and pandemics only forced us to be innovative and flexible which has allowed us to successfully remain in business for over 30 years. In 2011 we stopped printing the magazine to focus on coaching, training and mentoring. We had a vision and built a plan to reach it. Today we both coach Special Operators transitioning out of the military, professionals who want to grow in their career, and individuals who want to build a balanced lifestyle. Bill and I also created a marriage and relationship course based on Clifton Strengths™ that helps couples understand each other and communicate together through the lens of their Strengths.

In 2012 I published my book Unforced Rhythms of Grace: Defining Yourself Through the Eyes of God. My years of writing the feature stories, articles and editing submitted work for our magazine helped me find my writing style and my voice.

My greatest thrill is when clients discover their strengths, find their voice and champion their personal brand narrative.